Monday, January 7, 2019

The Story of Create Australia Agent “Sally From Florida”

Create Australia Agent “Sally from Florida” is one of our Refund Consulting program participants who has taken out the business system and made a successful portable business for her. When she first started making inquiries she was after a business that would allow her to operate portable, she had an elderly mum in her care and was wanting to enter into semi-retirement while operating virtually; she needed to have a business that not only made a lot of money, she needed something ethical and of service; she wanted a business that can keep her stimulated, excited and doing something GOOD for others- and it had to BE location independent – she found it in the Refund Consulting Program.

This is what Create Australia Agent Sally says about her experience with the refund business model;

” I was looking for a legitimate and ethical business system that will suit me and fit in with my existing lifestyle… So, I was looking for a business that is flexible, portable and most importantly did not involve any selling or MLM. I wanted a new industry – something fresh I can be proud of when people ask me what I did for a living. Well, it’s an Australian holiday when I came across the refund consulting program and reach out the company at Create Australia, so they send me reading materials. This was really helpful, it felt right! So, 3 years ago I came on board with their wonderful refund business program and the business allows me to operate as a refund consultant which I can run my business from home or while traveling! The thing that I love is that it has a global reach which means I can operate my business in the US market or in the UK market or Australian market of my laptop or even my iPhone… This is a game changer! 🙂 The Create Australia team are amazing! I kept close contact and even today being this well-established… I still stay in touch… This refund business means freedom, security to me and I cannot thank the Create Australia team enough assisting me on my journey… It’s an absolutely brilliant refund business system and I highly recommend it, Thank you! :)”

The Refund business was Sally’s way of ‘semi-retiring’ while still making great money and to feel of service and useful to others, 18 months later Sally’s refund business is flourishing and she is exactly where she was hoping to be, all thanks to having the courage, vision, and tenacity to take a great business model and make it work in her personal picture!

To gain overall information about the business; you can check out more of Create Australia Refund Consulting Program Clients Testimonial HERE! 😉

To get started on this exciting venture and live a much better life, just simply connect to one of our Create Australia expert consultants today on 1800 617111 or download our Create Australia Free Report. 🙂

For more info about Create Australia – Refund Consulting Business Program, please visit our business sites:

Create Australia Refund Consulting Business

Create Consult Refund Consulting Business

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